Camping, Comprehensive, and Bears – Oh My!

Camping, Comprehensive, and Bears – Oh My!

By | 2018-03-06T08:00:43+00:00 March 5th, 2018|

No lions and tigers here; just bears, camping and comprehensive coverage. As August wraps up the last full month for good summer camping, we want to make sure you are prepared from your city home to your outdoor home. Here is a list of things to consider before you hit the road:

1) Camping gear you bring in the car is not generally covered under your auto policy. However, if you have a Homeowners or Renters policy, the gear should be covered as part of your personal belongings.

2) If you are pulling a pop-up camper, liability from your auto policy will extend to the towed vehicle. However, comprehensive and collision will not carry over.

3) We’ve heard a lot of stories about bears this summer. So, you may be wondering what would happen if a bear broke into your vehicle.

a. Start by keeping your doors locked and be careful about keeping food in it, especially at night – they can still smell it.

b. Should a bear find its way into your vehicle (leaving you only with the remains dangling from the frame), the damage is covered under comprehensive coverage, if you have it.

c. According to the National Park Service, “failure to store your food properly may result in impoundment of your food or car and/or a fine of up to $5,000 and/or revocation of your camping permit.”

4) While it’s been debatable, Men’s Health debunked whether keeping the house air conditioner running while you’re away saves energy. They spoke with buildings program director for the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Jennifer Thorne Amann. According to Amann, “Turn it off when you leave….It may seem like a waste of energy, but it actually saves you a fair amount of money. It also helps your air conditioner work more efficiently.”

5) Make sure not to leave valuables and personal information out while you’re away. This is what a lockbox is great for! While you may want to post about your fun weekend getaway on social media, save it for when you return home. The best choice may be not to announce to the world that you’re not home.

If you have any other questions about your current coverage or adding coverage, remember to make the call well before the day you take off so you don’t find yourself lost in the woods in two ways.