New Year, New Phones!

New phone system for agency

By | 2018-03-05T09:31:44+00:00 March 5th, 2018|

It may be a bit belated, but Happy New Year!! Everyone here in the office had a great time with their families over the holidays and we are excited to be back servicing our customers and hearing about your great holiday celebrations. Lori and Jim had a busy holiday season visiting kids and grandkids, Jan was able to spend four weeks with her daughter while she was home from school, and Paula spent the holidays baking and enjoying the extra time with her family! On New Year’s Day, we were even all able to get together at a wedding for our old employee, Tawny. It was a great start to the New Year and we wish her and Mike the best as they start their new journey together!  Now we are all excited to cheer on the Denver Broncos at SuperBowl 50!  GO BRONCOS!!!

The biggest change here in the office is that we recently updated our phone system and it has taken some time to get used to the new phones (sorry if we accidentally hung up on any of you!). Even with the couple challenges we’ve faced with them, we are excited for how much easier these phones will make it for Jim and I to do work from Florida and for Mary to continue doing her work from Arizona. As you probably know, we are a very mobile group of people and these phones will allow us to do our jobs even better. We are always looking for ways to improve our customer service and we think this will be a huge improvement for not only Jim, Lori, and Mary’s customers, but for all of our customers. Beware though, the new phone system has assigned all of us different extension numbers which can be found on the “Contact Us” tab of our website.

We wish you the best in this upcoming year and look forward to many more years of doing business with you!
